Mindfulness For The Athlete In The Time Of Covid19
Many of you are understandably suffering from anxiety, depression and anger, due to the abrupt ending of your seasons or careers. You have lost access to your sport, which is usually (but not always) a primary source of stress reduction, joy and well-being. And you have lost access to your in-person connections with your teammates, coaches, and friends, and are at home (perhaps it feels like stuck at home), with your family.
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Or maybe you realize this pause in your hectic athletic life is an ideal time to up your mental/emotional game and practice skills used by an increasing number of elite and professional athletes.
Whatever the reason, taking time to support your athlete’s mental well-being and performance enhancing skills during this elongated down time should be a priority.
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After listening to these five videos, your athlete should have the basis for the following skills:
- Strengthening distress tolerance and emotional resilience
- Learning specific ways of dealing with intense feelings, and distracting or negative thoughts
- Developing the ability to respond rather than react in moments of difficulty
- Creating specific supportive physical, mental and emotional self-care routines
- Appreciating the powerful, transferable skills that you have developed through sport
- Offering support to, and receiving support from your teammates, friends, and community
- Sustaining your love of the game.
Here are the five videos. It’s preferable to listen to them in order if possible.
- Learning to Rest: Resting your mind, your body and your heart.
- Having Your Feelings Without Your Feelings Having You.
- Offering yourself Self-Compassion during difficult times.
- Using the mnemonic PEACE to respond rather than react to various circumstances.
- Moving Forward: Choosing your next Sane and Joyful Steps
For those who find these skills useful Dr. Amy offers in-person and online training for individual athletes, teams, and entire athletic departments. And she is offering ILoveToWatchYouPlay members 75% off on her upcoming online courses. Simply go to http://www.stillquietplace.com/still-quiet-place-athletes/ and complete the application and type 75%OFF into the scholarship field. The next course will begin when there are at least 15 participants; either my next series of Mindfulness Fundamentals will begin May 6th or June 18th. Alternatively, you can book a course specifically for your team or club.
Amy Saltzman M.D. – Director of Still Quiet Place, Director of the Association for Mindfulness in Education
You can reach Dr. Saltzman here: 650-575-5780