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The Anson Dorrance Approach to Coaching Girls And Helping Them Reach Their Full Potential

The Anson Dorrance Approach to Coaching Girls And Helping Them Reach Their Full Potential

The Anson Dorrance Approach to Coaching Girls And Helping Them Reach Their Full Potential. Becoming a successful athlete requires skill, hard work, and the right support system. For female athletes, creating an environment that addresses their unique needs and empowers them to perform at their best is crucial. 

The University of North Carolina head soccer coach, Anson Dorrance, knows a thing or two about success. He has one of the best coaching records in the history of ALL college sports, yes, of any sport! Under Dorrance’s leadership, the Tar Heels have won 21 of the 31 NCAA Women’s Soccer Championships.  

How We Can Empower Our Girls Through Sports

The Anson Dorrance Approach

Dorrance has found the sweet spot between creating a competitive environment and a culture of support, compassion, and communication with his players. He is obsessed with data and feedback loops and using metrics to guide his practices. But he also understands the importance of building self-confidence and fostering team unity.

The Competitive Cauldron

Dorrance believes friendly competition will drive female athletes to excel. He organizes activities encouraging healthy rivalries, challenges players to push their limits, and calls this the “Competitive Cauldron.” By fostering a competitive environment, Dorrance helps his athletes develop mental toughness and resilience, essential for success in sports and something he felt was missing from most of the women he coached. So he created a way to bring out their competitive fire. Anson recently shared this on the Huddle Podcast, “What we do with a cauldron is we’re trying to figure out a way within the context of our practice to get everyone to compete like there’s no tomorrow. We follow the philosophy that steel sharpens steel. So if you want to develop elite athletes, you don’t develop them in a recreational environment. You develop them in an environment where they compete like there’s no tomorrow. 

Dorrance makes every aspect of almost every practice a competition. He meticulously collects data from each practice, tracking players’ performance in various drills and exercises. Every controllable facet of performance is measured, visible, and rewarded. The managers and assistants take detailed metrics on everything; the player who had the top work rate, communicated the best, or had the hardest shot.  They then convert the stats in order to rank the players from one to 30.

This may sound a little harsh, but Dorrance explains the benefit like this, “First of all, they get immediate feedback, but the other advantage is, they want to get to the top, and they will know if they’re not pushing hard enough or working hard enough. They’ll know if their preparation needs to improve in the session. And so what this motivates all of them to do is to compete. “It’s all about being accountable.” what the team values. And every day, you see where you stand against the team’s expectations and your previous day’s performance.

It creates a lot of discomfort, but he says that most players thank him for it eventually.

Wanted: More Moms To Coach

Fostering Team Unity

Another cornerstone of Dorrance’s approach is promoting a strong sense of unity and camaraderie within the team. He encourages open communication, where players can share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment. This creates a supportive atmosphere that allows the athletes to thrive on and off the field. He realized early on that girls perform better when they feel connected to someone and something. He gave up his locker room scream fests for halftime speeches that typically consist of, ‘Well, what do you think.” Even when they are playing poorly. His goal is to maximize stress during practice and minimize it during the games. He realized girls play for each other and their coach because of the connection, not because of fear. Research supports that girls tend to respond better to positive reinforcement and collaboration than the more confrontational approaches often used in male sports.His techniques emphasize encouragement, support, and teamwork, which have been proven to be highly effective in motivating female athletes.

Creating A Feedback Loop

Dorrance has long been an advocate for utilizing feedback loops to optimize his athletes’ performance and foster a culture of continuous improvement. In his coaching methodology, he combines positive and constructive feedback, creating a system that allows players to learn from their mistakes and build on their strengths. For example, after each game or practice, Dorrance holds individual meetings with players to discuss their performance, offering specific insights and guidance for improvement. As he once said, “The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching.” This quote exemplifies Dorrance’s belief in the power of hard work and self-evaluation, which are essential components of a successful feedback loop. By encouraging players to be self-aware and receptive to feedback, Dorrance fosters an environment where athletes are constantly learning, adapting, and growing.

 Celebrating Individual Achievements

Dorrance maintains a public record of individual and team achievements, creating a bulletin board that showcases the top 20 competitive roster based on collected data. This public display of accomplishments fosters a sense of pride and motivation among the athletes and creates a feedback loop, and supports the competitive cauldron. Dorrance believes in recognizing and celebrating each player’s achievements, no matter how small. This approach helps instill a sense of pride and self-worth in the athletes, which is crucial for building confidence and motivation.

Inspiring Words

As part of his coaching philosophy, Dorrance has his players memorize inspirational quotes before they complete their time under his guidance, totaling 13 quotes. These quotes are powerful reminders of their potential and the importance of perseverance, aligning with the team’s core values.

Clearly, most of us aren’t parenting or coaching kids at the level that Anson Dorrance is. But his coaching philosophy offers valuable insights for parents and coaches looking to empower female athletes. Implementing his strategies and tailoring techniques to meet the appropriate level and players’ unique needs can help create an environment where female athletes can thrive and reach their full potential.

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