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How To Be A Better Parent, Coach, & Leader

How To Be A Better Parent, Coach, & Leader

Instead of winning, dominating and controlling, try respecting empowering and loving.

Author, consultant, and coach, J.P. Nerbun offers parents and coaches the tools to become a transformational, not transactional leader. In his new book, Calling UP, J.P. gives step by step instructions on how to create a culture on your team or in your family or classroom that will change lives. And recently, he was a guest on our Tuesday Topics and explained the shift needed to start your transformation.


0:59:55 What made JP want to quit coaching

2:06 The difference between transformational and transactional coaching

3:00 What should coaches core purpose be

3:30  How to build a transformational culture 

4:03 Winning is the objective, but it’s not WHY we show up

4:20  The more you focus on transformational leading, the more wins you will get

4:55  What is Calling UP vs. Calling OUT for parenting

6:40  Coaches need to be vulnerable and it’s OK for coaches to NOT have all the answers.

8:10  The blueprint for transformational coaching and the steps involved

9:16  How to discipline to get long term results and change

10:23 How to handle a player who doesn’t work hard in practice

13:46 Parents are a coaches biggest asset, communication and transparency is key 

16:31  The importance of vulnerability. Making it ok that we aren’t perfect. 

17:33 The vision of the leader.

18:27 Growing as a leader. 

20:30 The very big difference between punishment and consequences. When to let a player go. 

22:20 It always comes down to a choice the player is making and the consequence, not a coaches order.

23:46 Growth mindset research. 

24:45 Building a culture that changes lives.

26:00 Instead of winning, dominating and controlling. Try respecting empowering and loving

More from J.P.

What kind of sports parent do you want to be?

6 Ways for parents to give coaches great feedback

5 ways to become a great leader




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