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Healthy Snack Hacks For Busy Sports Parents!

Healthy Snack Hacks For Busy Sports Parents!

Healthy Snack Hacks For Busy Sports Parents! Sleep and nutrition are the two main areas I focus on for my kids as they pursue their dreams on and off the field and court. These two ‘superpowers’ are essential in keeping our kids healthy, happy, and successful. The right food and drink before games and training give them energy and the ability to focus and sustain long workouts, and the proper nutrients afterward promote healing and injury recovery. However, preparing healthy snacks that are delicious for the athletes and convenient for their parents can be challenging. So, I am sharing a few of my personal ‘hacks’ for healthy and yummy snacks.

Click Here To Find Out The Five Super Foods For Athletes

Here are my top 10 mom hacks for healthy snacks! 

1. Energy Balls

Energy balls are a great snack option because they are easy to make and can be customized to suit your athlete’s taste. You can make them as simple or as varied as your kid likes (mine only likes chocolate chips added). They are small and easy to pop into little mouths during breaks. These balls are high in protein and healthy fats, making them an excellent energy source. They can also be stored in the fridge for up to a week, perfect for busy moms. 



Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. Mix them well until they are evenly distributed. Once the mixture is well combined, use your hands to roll it into small balls about the size of a golf ball. Place the balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Freeze the energy balls for at least 2-hours to allow them to set. Store them in an airtight container in the freezer or fridge for up to one week. 

2. Smoothie Packs at the ready

Smoothies are an easy way to get your athlete’s daily dose of fruits and vegetables. However, it can be time-consuming to prepare and blend smoothies regularly. A great hack for this is preparing smoothie packs for the week, which can be kept in the freezer for convenience. Just add a variety of fruits and veggies in resealable bags, and when it’s time to make a smoothie, blend the contents with either almond milk, orange juice, or apple juice, and you’re done! I like to do this in the morning before a long school day and practice. At least I know I started their day with a good base! Here are two of my kid’s favorites.

Banana Berry Blast


This smoothie is loaded with antioxidants, protein, and healthy fats, which help boost energy levels and aid in muscle recovery after a workout.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein


The Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein smoothie offers an optimal balance of protein, essential fats, and carbohydrates. Protein is crucial for muscle recovery and growth, making this smoothie an excellent post-workout option for athletes. The natural sugars from the banana provide a quick energy boost, while the fats from the peanut butter ensure sustained energy release. 

3. Trail Mix

Trail mix is a classic snack option for athletes that is quick, easy, and customizable. You can mix nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and even chocolate chips if your athlete has a sweet tooth. Plus, chocolate can give them a needed energy boost. Trail mix is high in protein and fiber, making it a filling and nutritious snack that can sustain energy throughout the day.


4. Veggie Chips

Chips are an all-time favorite snack for kids. However, the store-bought option can contain unhealthy fats, salt, and preservatives. A healthy alternative would be to make your veggie chips using sweet potatoes, kale, zucchini, or carrots. When they get home from practice and dinner isn’t quite ready, I love serving them up to carry them over until dinner. Slice the veggies, toss with some olive oil and seasoning, and bake in the oven until crispy. You can also make a large batch and store them in an airtight container for up to a week, and they are good to take on long road trips.

The Ilovetowatchyouplay Power Packed Game Day Muffins

5. ALWAYS Crisp Apples

When going on day-long tournaments, I like to have a fruit option that will stay fresh all day. My go-to is apples. First thing that morning or the night before, I slice up 3-4 apples, nice and thin. I put them in a mixing bowl with ice water and sprinkle about ⅓ cup of table salt on top of them. Let them sit for 15-20 minutes, rinse well, dry, and put into baggies. They will stay crisp and never brown. They are my kids and their teammate’s favorites. Add some energy punch in small containers of peanut butter or almond butter.

6. Quick And Easy Store-Bought Snacks

So, let’s say you didn’t have time to make all these homemade treats and need to grab something quickly at the store. Cheez-Itz, Goldfish, and Cutie Oranges—done. These are easy, quick, carb-rich, and energy-packed snacks that take zero time to prepare.

7.  Chocolate Milk In between Games or After Workouts

It’s become common knowledge among youth sports parents that kids should drink chocolate milk for recovery after games or between games at tournaments, and science backs it up. A study published in the National Library of Medicine showed, “Low-fat chocolate milk consists of a 4:1 carbohydrate: protein ratio (similar to many commercial recovery beverages) and provides fluids and sodium to aid post-workout recovery.”

8. Edamame with toppings

Edamame isn’t just a delicious snack—it’s also packed with nutrients to help athletes maintain peak performance and can easily be carried in a zip lock or thrown into a backpack for the day. Edamame, or young soybeans, are rich in plant-based protein, fiber, and essential amino acids. They provide sustained energy and aid muscle recovery. This quick recipe provides multiple topping options that are healthy, easy, and yummy. Perfect for a post-practice boost or a mid-day snack!

9. Parfait on The Go

I love making these for the kids because they are so easy to grab out the door and eat on the way to school, especially when they have a long day of classes and practices ahead of them. It’s a great way to kick-start the day. Just grab a plastic cup and layer yogurt, fruit, honey, and granola – and sprinkle some flax seed on top. These ingredients are perfect for energy, recovery, and antioxidants!

10. Keeping It All Cool. 

Freeze a few bottles of water overnight. The next morning, throw them in your cooler. They will keep your snacks cold; your athlete can drink them all day.

Happy Snacking!

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