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The Energy You Bring To Your Child’s Game Matters!

The Energy You Bring To Your Child’s Game Matters!

Energy is Real – A Lesson From the Volleyball Court

The Energy You Bring To Your Child’s Game Matters! Have you ever witnessed the true power of positive energy in action? I recently experienced a game-changing moment and it was something I’ll never forget.

The Setting

It was a typical volleyball tournament, and my daughter’s team was in the middle of a match. They had won the first set easily and were leading in the second when something extraordinary happened.

Enter the Energy Dad

Suddenly, a dad on the opposing team started cheering loudly. He wasn’t obnoxious or negative – just enthusiastically supportive. With every point his team scored, he celebrated, shouting out encouragement to the players. His energy was infectious, spreading through the parent section.

The Tide Turns

We had been dominating this team. We easily coasted to a win in the first game. But fueled by this dad’s unwavering positivity, his team’s energy and confidence began to grow. And grow. They started to catch up. Soon, they had taken the lead and ultimately won the second set, forcing a decisive third game.

The Energy Dad didn’t let up. From the start of the third set, he was a force to be reckoned with. No matter how much we tried to match his energy, we couldn’t compete with his booming voice and endless enthusiasm. His team, now fully energized, dominated the court and easily won the third and decisive set.

The Power of Positive Energy

After the game, I shook the Energy Dad’s hand and acknowledged his impact – he was the MVP. His energy and support had single-handedly changed the course of that match.

This experience was a powerful reminder of the role we play as sports parents. Our energy matters. Positive encouragement can boost confidence, improve performance, and even change outcomes.

The Science Behind Positive Energy

The phenomenon of energy exchange between individuals is not just anecdotal; it’s backed by science. Quantum physics suggests that, at a fundamental level, we are all made of energy, and this energy can be influenced by our thoughts and feelings.

This principle, known as the “observer effect,” implies that the positive energy transmitted by someone like the Energy Dad can literally alter the state of those around him and, in turn, affect play. Emotional contagion is similar, where people mimic the behavior of those around them, often subconsciously.

Other research supports the idea that positive emotions can lead to a broadening of cognitive ability and an increase in mental resourcefulness (Fredrickson, 2001). This “broaden-and-build” theory explains why athletes may perform better under the influence of positive energy—they are not only more psychologically resilient but also more creatively and strategically nimble.

Be the Energy Your Child’s Team Needs

Let the lesson of the Energy Dad inspire you. Cheer loudly and celebrate each success, especially when your team needs a boost. Your positive energy has the power to change the game—both on and off the court.

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