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Sometimes It Takes A Team

Sometimes It Takes A Team

Sometimes it takes a team. We recently shared on Instagram about how Father’s Day can be hard for those without fathers. And it got me thinking about just how much youth sports requires from a family.

The driving to and from practices and tournaments, constantly needing new gear, packing snacks and food for day-long tournaments, managing the blood, sweat and tears of the post game. Being their biggest cheerleader and support system.The sign ups, getting physicals, organizing carpool, time management help with school work. Goal setting and the mental and physical preparation to achieve and master those goals. Bringing dessert to team parties, getting to team parties, venmo-ing team parents for the coaches gift. Finding out when tryouts are, managing the decision making around tryouts. Participating in fundraisers. Keeping them balanced and relaxed in stressful times. Reminding them to have fun.

It’s a full time job that typically keeps two parents on their toes.

If you know of a child who may not have the best support system at home or who has lost a parent, or has an ill parent, is there something you can do to help? It can be as small as cheering a little louder for them, offering rides more often, or giving them a little pick-me-up speech when you see them struggling? And to those who already do this, which I’m guessing are many of you, thank you!

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a team to raise an athlete.

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