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Get Cold? There’s a Chair For That!

warm chair

If you ever get cold watching your child’s sporting events, well guess what? Now there is a chair for that!

The Chaheati MAXX heated chair promises to warm your seat for up to six hours at a time. The portable chair is made with a rechargeable battery, it is resistant to weather elements AND it has a USB port to charge your phone at the same time. GET OUT!

I could see this fancy chair coming in very handy at one of my daughter’s club marathon volleyball days where we sit inside freezing cold warehouse like facilities watching the kids play. Or on the sideline of my son’s Friday night flag football games.

Since we are all spending more and more time spectating at our kid’s games and practices, it makes sense to gear up with products that make the experience more enjoyable, right? I guess it all depends on your priorities. The downside of a warming chair is you will be schlepping an extra 12 pounds. That is what the chair weighs. And it’s $109.99 price tag could buy you boxes and boxes of hand warmers instead. (Which, by the way, if you don’t know about these already, you are missing out! Every sports parent should have a box of these on stand by for watching cold-weather events. )

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